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Welcome to the Alternatives for Better Living Driving Under the Influence Program.


At Alternatives our mottos is…  “Treating people with respect.”  Our clients often succeed in part because here they are treated as worthwhile human beings who are struggling with life. Here we believe that by changing your habits you can change your life.

We are currently providing the DUI program in person and via Live Virtual Services. You must have the Zoom app on the device you will be using to do Live Virtual Services; you can use your smart phone, tablet, or computer. In order to submit the Intake online you must contact us for the link (707) 226-1248. Our office hours are Monday through Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm.

Documents you MUST have the below to submit the Intake online:
** For exact program length and if you have questions/concerns regarding your program length contact the DMV-MAU at (916) 657-6525 choose option #9.


A. Minute Order or Sentencing Documentation.

  • The violation date (arrest date) & conviction date (sentencing date).

  • County, City, Zip code of arrest.

  • Name & Address of Convicting Court.

  • Length of Program


B. California Driver’s License or California ID. If you’ve never had a California DL or California ID, you must obtain an X number from DMV along with a picture ID prior to registration.


C. Program deposit fee $300.


Step 1 - Registration: Submit Intake online along with a deposit fee. Intake includes ALL 5 document submissions **You must request an Intake Link to submit your Intake online.


Step 2 – Orientation: We submit Proof of Enrollment Certificate (DL107) to the DMV after you have completed your Orientation & Assessment. We generally call you to set up your Orientation date within 1-3 business days after your Intake has been processed. We offer Orientations in English on Mondays from 12pm-3pm. Orientations in Spanish are on Tuesdays from 11am-2pm. (You will only receive an Orientation appointment after ALL 5 Intake documents and deposit is processed).


Step 3 – Classes Start:
You will begin your classes the week after your Orientation. (You cannot start your classes without attending the Orientation).

DUI Program Enrollment

Inscripción al programa de DUI

All forms must be completed in order to be enrolled in the program.

Payment may be paid by phone, brought in person to Alternatives for Better Living

or submitted via PayPal at or Venmo @AlternativesforBetterLiving.

Todos los formularios deben completarse para poder inscribirse

en el programa.

El pago se puede pagar por teléfono, traído en persona a Alternatives for Better Living

o enviado a través de PayPal a o Venmo @AlternativesforBetterLiving.

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