Alternatives for Better Living is now offering court and DMV mandated programs through our new DUI Program. Persons convicted of a first or subsequent arrest for Driving Under the Influence (DUI), may enroll in a variety of programs based on their conviction. Completion of your designated program will satisfy the court and DMV requirements for a DUI conviction. Our DUI Program is located at 68 Coombs Street C1, Napa CA 94559.
Alcohol and other impairing drugs are involved in approximately 40 percent of all traffic crashes in which someone is killed each year. If you drink alcohol or use other impairing drugs and drive, even a little, your chances of being in a collision are much greater than if you did not drink any alcohol or use any other drugs.
All programs are conducted in English and Spanish.
We are currently providing the DUI program in person and via Live Virtual Services. You must have the Zoom app on the device you will be using to do Live Virtual Services; you can use your smart phone, tablet, or computer. In order to submit the Intake online you must contact us for the link (707) 226-1248:
Documents you MUST have the below to submit the Intake online:
** For exact program length and if you have questions/concerns regarding your program length contact the DMV-MAU at (916) 657-6525 choose option #9.
A. Minute Order or Sentencing Documentation.
The violation date (arrest date) & conviction date (sentencing date).
County, City, Zip code of arrest.
Name & Address of Convicting Court.
Length of Program
B. California Driver’s License or California ID. If you’ve never had a California DL or California ID, you must obtain an X number from DMV along with a picture ID prior to registration.
C. Program deposit fee $300.
Step 1 - Registration: Submit Intake online along with a deposit fee. Intake includes ALL 5 document submissions **You must request an Intake Link to submit your Intake online.
Step 2 – Orientation: We submit Proof of Enrollment Certificate (DL107) to the DMV after you have completed your Orientation & Assessment. We generally call you to set up your Orientation date within 1-3 business days after your Intake has been processed. We offer Orientations in English on Mondays from 12pm-3pm. Orientations in Spanish are on Tuesdays from 11am-2pm. (You will only receive an Orientation appointment after ALL 5 Intake documents and deposit is processed).
Step 3 – Classes Start:
You will begin your classes the week after your Orientation. (You cannot start your classes without attending the Orientation).
Who do I contact to get my transfer paperwork?Clients requiring a transfer to get credit for classes they took at BACR should call ADS Access at (707) 253-4063. They will pull their file, create a transfer form (DHCS 5075), and provide it to the client who will bring it to us. Transfer paperwork is taking 2-4 weeks to complete.
What if I don’t want to wait for my paperwork from the county to start?Clients can enroll as a new client by paying the full intake fee and filling out all of the paperwork as a new client. Once we have the transfer paperwork we will adjust their payment contract and program schedule to match their new paperwork.
If I am a transfer what will I be charged for?You will only be charged for services you need to complete your program. You will not be charged an intake fee if you are a transfer client from BACR.
What do I need to enroll in a program if I am new?If they are new they need to bring their court documents, their DL or ID and their violation date to us and complete the rest of the intake as a new client.
Alcohol and other drugs reduce the important skills you need to drive safely.
Judgment – Judgment is a brain-centered activity that stores all of your experiences and
knowledge so it can be used quickly when you face a new problem. Alcohol and other impairing drugs affect those areas of your brain that controls judgment. This is one reason why drinking alcohol and taking certain types of drugs is so dangerous.
Vision – The most important sense you use in driving is vision. Alcohol and certain types of drugs can blur your vision, slow your ability to focus and cause double vision. Your vision helps you to determine how far away an object is and the object’s relationship to your path of travel. Alcohol and other impairing drugs reduce the ability to judge distance, speed and the movement of other vehicles. With increasing impairment, you could drift across the centerline, wander from lane to lane, or even run off the roadway. Vision is affected for all drivers at a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) as low as .02 g/dl.
Color Distinction – A lot of the information you receive on the roadway is from different colors
such as traffic signs, signals and roadway markings. Alcohol and other impairing drugs reduce
your ability to distinguish colors, which can be very dangerous.
Reaction Time – Alcohol and other impairing drugs slows your ability to process information and respond to critical driving tasks. Alcohol and impairing drugs makes you drowsy and less alert to what is around you.